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A closer look a the 8 bridges in Bordeaux that cross the Garonne River

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A closer look a the 8 bridges in Bordeaux that cross the Garonne River

A majestic river in south-western France, the Garonne has played a major role in the historyandeconomicdevelopmentoftheNouvelle-Aquitaineregion.

To link its banks,eight emblematic bridges have been built in Bordeaux.

With increasing traffic, changing modes of transport and the need to connect neighborhoods,the construction of bridges in Bordeaux has become a major issue in the city's development.These architectural structures have made it easier to cross the Garonne and have also provided a strong link between the districts on the right and left banks.

The Pont de Pierre

Built in the early 19th century on the orders of Napoléon Bonaparte, the Pont de Pierre (alsoknown as the Pont Napoléon) was the first bridge to be built to create a link between thebanksoftheGaronne,thusunifyingthecity.

It is located between Place Bir-Hakeim and Stalingrad, linking the districts of Bordeaux-center and Bastide. With its 17 arches and sturdy construction, for many years it was theonlywaytolinkthetwobankswithoutusingaboat.

Today, the stone bridge carries the A line of the tramway, testifying to its importance in theurbanmobilityoftheBordeauxmetropolis.

This architectural masterpiece is currently being renovated, with the aim of reinforcing some of its more fragile stones and making it more watertight.


The François Mitterrand Bridge

Also known as the Bacalan-Bastide Bridge, this Bordeaux bridge is a model of contemporarydesign. Inaugurated in 2008, it was designed by Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas in collaboration with French engineers from the OMA agency.

The François Mitterrand Bridge is a motorway bridge that completes the Bordeaux ring road.It has helped to revitalize the right bank of the Garonne, making it accessible and thus enabling real economic and urban development.


The Aquitaine Bridge

With its majestic suspension, this bridge is one of Bordeaux's most impressive engineeringstructures. Inaugurated in 1967, it bears witness to the city's ambition and concern formodernity at the time. The Aquitaine bridge links the districts of Lormont and Bordeaux-Nord. It is considered a feat of engineering, with its height of 53 meters allowing large ships to navigate the Garonne.


The Chaban-Delmas Bridge

A symbol of modernity and innovation in Bordeaux, the Chaban-Delmas bridge, also knownas the Jacques Chaban-Delmas bridge, is the city's most recent bridge. Inaugurated in 2013,it represents a real technological feat. Its special feature is its ability to be raised to allowlarge ships to pass. The Chaban-Delmas bridge is a marvelous sight for visitors and residents alike,thanks to its cutting-edge technology and avant-garde architectural design.


The Saint-Jean Bridge

The Saint Jean bridge plays a crucial role in Bordeaux's rail network. Located near Saint-Jean station and inaugurated in 1965, it is essential for trains entering and leaving the city. It provides a link between the districts of the South of Bordeaux and La Bastide area.

This architectural master piece is a symbol of mobility and connectivity in Bordeaux.

It bears witness to the importance of the Bordeaux metropolis as a major rail hub in the south-west and its commitment to facilitating travel for visitors and residents alike.


The Garonne railway Bridge

Generally unknown to the general public, this railway bridge links the districts of Bordeaux-Nord and La Bastide. Designed specifically for the passage of trains, and brought into service in 2008, it plays a major role in the transport of goods and passengers.

Its robust construction and multiple tracks make it an essential part of Bordeaux's railnetwork.

Constructed from steel with concrete piers, the Garonne railway bridge is a testament to the city's advanced engineering and futuristic vision of rail transport.The bridge is a symbol of Bordeaux's commitment to providing efficient and sustainable traffic solutions while preserving the beauty of the region.


The Simone Veil Bridge


The Simone Veil Bridge, which is still under construction and due to open in 2024, is one of Bordeaux's most eagerly awaited projects.

With its industrial design and steel construction, this bridge stands out for its aesthetics andfunctionality. It is designed to be used by pedestrians and cyclists to cross the Garonne incompletesafety.It has also been designed to be a public space on the water.

The Simone Veil Bridge will provide a link between the residential and commercial districts of the North of Bordeaux and La Bastide area, a fast-growing area. These neighborhoods share many complementary features and will benefit greatly from this connection.


The Eiffel Foot bridge

A tribute to 19th-century French engineering, this bridge with its industrial charm and steelstructure was designed by the workshops of Gustave Eiffel. Inaugurated in 1860, the Eiffel Bridge was originally designed as a railway bridge. As the city's transport needs evolved to establish links between the different districts of the city, it was transformed into a pedestrian and cycle bridge.This has provided the people of Bordeaux with a peaceful way of crossing the Garonne and helps to connect the city's various thorough fares.

Situated between the Pont de Pierre and the Pont Saint-Jean, this footbridge is strategically located, offering uninterrupted views over the Garonne and the historic centre of Bordeaux.With a length of 483 metres, its wrought-iron motifs, period lampposts and architectural details make it a great place for visitors and residents to stroll.



In Bordeaux,bridges are much more than just links between two riverbanks ; they are works of art and symbols that have helped to establish links and optimise traffic flow between the city's different districts.


Many prestigious properties can be found close to these historic logistical gems, and ourteams will be delighted to help you find the one that's right for you near Bordeaux's bridges.So don't hesitate to contact Bordeaux Sotheby's International Realty, your luxury real estate agency in Bordeaux.



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